It’s that time of the year again when the new expansion is about to drop. With that comes the removal of Ahead Of The Curve (AOTC) Achievement and the Uncorrupted Voidwing mount.

Lucky for all those collectors out there the wonderful Perky Pugs is doing their Friendship Dragon runs again this year. These runs help to raise funds for RAINN a very worthy cause and puts smiles on many faces.

If you want to get into one of these runs it’s quite simple all you have to do is enter their raffles πŸ™‚ Here is how you do that:

First have a 120 toon on a North American/Oceanic Server with the legendary Ashjrakamas Shroud of Resolve equipped any level is fine.

Be logged in and at the instance entry for that week.

There are 2 entries that cycle each week: Uldum, Kalimdor ( cords 56 – 44) Vale Of Eternal Blossom, Pandaria (cords 74 – 40)

Second be sure and like their Facebook page Perky Pugs it’s not a requirement but it will help you keep up to date with when you need to be online and where you need to be.

Third Join their discord Perky Pugs Discord again this is not a requirement but will be very helpful for the rules and information.

Finally you will need to find the streamer that is hosting the run on Twitch and watch their stream of the runs and follow the instructions to enter your name into the draw.

Horde – Automatic Jak and Xyronic

Alliance – Keteket and Alphagare

Below is the schedule for the rest of the time left be sure to adjust for your timezone. Good Luck to everyone and remember have fun, Donations are not necessary but please pay it forward either by donation or helping out your fellow players in-game πŸ™‚

After you get your mount and achievement don’t forget to share a screenshot on social media using #friendshipdragon.

Happy Hunting


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